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Dec 28, 2013

In this edition of Coachs Corner, host John Anderson talks Offensive Football with Bradwell Institute Offensive Coordinator Coach Barry Hoover. Topics include the Curl Flat Pass Route concept and Ball Security.  

<a target="blank" href="">Coach Hoover's Blog</a> that contains a...

Dec 28, 2013

Motivation, Coaching styles and lessons learned are the topics for discussion with long-time College Football coach Larry Beckish. Best known for his book, The Trap Option - 40 Plus 60 Equals Option, Coach Beckish also wrote I Believe in Cream, Apples and Football . With its many insights and thought-provoking ideas,...

Dec 14, 2013

Brady Walz - Tight Ends coach at Jenks High School in Jenks, Oklahoma talks Tight End play in a Pro-style offense.. 

This Best of the Back Issues show was recorded when Coach Walz was working with Tight Ends in 2011.

Coach Walz is now the Offensive Line Coach at Jenks, which just won another Oklahoma 6A State HS...